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    Newport Steninge

    Welcome to our store situated in the historic and charming Steninge Slottsby. Spanning an impressive 900 square meters, our store provides a unique venue where home decor blends with culture and heritage. Immerse yourself in an elegant and traditional ambiance, discovering a wide range of products – from sophisticated furniture to enchanting flowers and garden ornaments.

    Steninge Slottsby
    Steninge Slottsby
    Steninge Slottsby
    Steninge Slottsby
    Steninge Slottsby

    Opening Hours

    Monday - Friday 11-18
    Saturday 10-17
    Sunday 10-17

     08 - 502 573 90
    [email protected]

     Store Manager: Hannah Fahlström

    Find store

    Steninge Slottsväg 141 195 59 Märsta
    Open in Google Maps


    Grand Opening 2024

    We marked the opening of our new store with a splendid evening brimming with wonderful guests, music, and socializing in an enchanting castle setting. Explore the gallery below to see photos from the event!

    Steninge Slottsby